Foam Packaging Products

RiverCity has over 40 years experience in the foam and packaging industry. We offer in-house die making services.

We provide various foam products for custom packaging, insulation, and flotation. We do custom work for a wide variety of industries including builders, artists, packaging, automotive, aerospace, military, and medical. Prototypes can fabricated on our waterjet and tested prior to tooling commitments and production quantities.

Our CNC Waterjet allows for custom short runs and prototypes in any foam or packaging material. Die cutting services for larger production runs.

Enclosures – Metal

Metal Enclosures are our specialty at RiverCity Industries. We have the ability to make custom or standard Rack Mount Enclosures. 2U and 4U rack mount or wall mount enclosures are also available. We supply enclosures to Houston, San Antonio and Austin via our weekly truck route.

Turn-Key Custom Genset Enclosures
Enclosures for the Oilfield
Call us today for your custom enclosure – weekly deliveries to Houston and Austin.
Belly Boxes for Semi’s and other Large Trucks
Custom Stainless Steel Enclosures


RiverCity cuts signs to order. Please note that we mainly deal with designers and sign companies and not end users. End users are encouraged to work with a sing company for your sign needs. There are many things to consider when a business wants to design and install a sign. How do you convert that fuzzy JPEG logo image to a file that a laser or waterjet cutting machine can cut it with (vector file). How is it going to be mounted? What do you do with the centers of the letters that will “fall out” if not secured (R, i, A B P, etc) Cut to order means that we do not provide sign design services, not material recommendations – we simply cut vector files that are provided to us.